Saturday, June 11, 2011

We are still alive

We are still alive, the big hold is because we opened an actual game studio and all the business hustle is taking huge amounts of my time + we still don`t get our ends meet with simple platform game development (lol), so software, web design and paid art still takes 90% of our time. Hope it will change with the studio :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Funny bug (or a feature)

One of the enemies walk cycle, let´s call him bully, is made out of 16 different bitmaps in a sprite. That gives us a nice 4 x 4 sprite sheet for the engine to chew on. Or does it? For some odd reason, the walk cycle does not run like it should and seems that the bitmaps are feed into the engine randomly, not as defined.
The movement of bully is in 3 files (for this problem), first is the Actionscript file, which in addition to movement holds all the logic for bully (I called it Inside the file are two variables, which hold the information for run cycle start and end position:

public var spriteIndexRunStart:int = 0;
public var spriteIndexRunEnd:int = 15;

Then there is the master sprite sheet xml file, which tells the engine how many pieces it should create from a sprite.

And finally the templates.xml for how the character should move and which tile to use for a specific action (in our example start the run cycle from tile 0 (first tile) and end it on 15th. While the action loops, we have a nice smooth animation for the bully to run around the game, trying to beat you up.

There are of course other files which require attention for a single character, but they are not a part of the problem here, so let´s keep them out.

While tracking the problem for a solid hour and half I finally started working on another character to see if the problem´s still there. The sprite sheet for a new character was 6x2 this time and everything worked just fine.

What was the solution then? We just created a new sprite sheet, this time 8x2 and it worked like a charm. Bully can now track our main character with a smoother animation, like planned.

PS. I tried to paste more code from the .xml as well as .as part, but blogger turned it into some weird looking binary.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We´re still alive

Minus 35 ain´t got nothing on us. We are progressing, but it´s a fun project and a lot of paid work has come between. I think we can present a working demo of the first level somewhere around May :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year! (we´re not lost in a parallel universe)

Hello and first of all, sorry, we´ve been so lost for 1.5 months. Lost with our other projects and lost in the game making. What´s the outcome? We now have:
  1. A working engine and it´s extra components
  2. Set up an environment for testing and development with version control
  3. Storyboard for the first levels
  4. Overall story for the game
  5. Character sheets for the first levels
  6. Finalized graphics for the main character and a view goons for the first level
We try to blog more from now on as we are progressing quite nice and hope to get the first level running somewhere in the first half of February. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Сколько лет, сколько зим!

We have been heavy on graphics for the last weeks as well as engine testing. We first started out creating our own engine, but it was more like re-creating the wheel. As time passed we tested some commercial as well as freeware ActionScript frameworks and engines and are proud to announce that for our project we are using and modifying the PushButton Engine. At the moment, first tests have been quite smooth.

Time is a cruel mistress and we are a bit behind on the schedule. If you think you can add some value to this project then don´t hesitate and mail Gert. Someone with animation or programming skills would be a really great asset for The Game.

See You soon :)